Genius Joy

Sale price$59.99

🟠 Mood Boost: SAMe and 5-HTP elevate mood and serotonin for better well-being.

🟠 Stress Relief: Panax Ginseng and L-Theanine reduce stress and enhance calm.

🟠 Enhanced Focus: Rhodiola and N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine improve energy and concentration.


I was actually researching an unrelated supplement for a friend and the Genius brand popped up... I started researching and ended up ordering 3 different Genius supplements... I am SO IMPRESSED with this one! My background: I’ve been dealing with serious depression, weight gain, easily become overwhelmed by things, I do lots of stress eating, no desire to do anything really... I am diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and Depression, but quit taking prescriptions a few years ago and went the natural route with CBD (which worked amazing for my anxiety/depression, until it just stopped working about 4-5 months ago). Maybe this winter was just especially harsh, but I’ve been needing something to help me get out of this funk, and had been considering prescriptions again when I saw Genius Joy on here. So, I’m on day 9 and all I can say is I feel amazing and hope this stuff keeps working!! I will definitely keep you updated!

Abby M.

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Be a Brainiac

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The Perfect Stack

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Kathy R.

Genius Joy

Jeannine G.
Happy and Productive!

I would recommend Genius Joy to anyone feeling depressed, unproductive, and my fellow procrastinators! I had been in a depressive life funk for at least 6 months, only doing the basics to take care of myself - shower, eat, go to work. I stopped caring, slept 14 hours a day sometimes. First 2 pills snapped me back into my life so thoroughly! Life came back into focus, and I cared again, got moving, felt hopeful, reconnected to my family and friends.

michelle r.
Great supplement!

I take two daily and I’ve noticed a big improvement in my mood. The ginseng wakes me up in the morning

Melanie W.
It took me a bit to get used to it but this stuff really picks me up!

This stuff does work don’t just take it once and forget about it take it for at least a week and see. I’m on my second bottle now.

Anna H.
Great product!!!

I really noticed a significant difference when I started taking this. I ended up canceling the recurring order because it is very expensive.